Finding Clarity: How Not to Get Lost in Life's Clouds and Clutter

During my last two work trips, I found myself frequently flying through thick clouds and stormy weather. It struck me that without the sophisticated navigation tools at their fingertips, the cockpit crew would be utterly lost and in extreme danger. In the dense clouds, visibility is zero—you can't see in front of you, below you, above you, or to the sides. You can't just stop, especially mid-air. The only other option would be to avoid flying whenever there's a chance of cloudy weather. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue? Countless flights would be delayed, rescheduled, or outright canceled.

This observation made me think about how often we find ourselves metaphorically in the clouds of life. Sometimes, we can see the clouds coming, but most of the time they appear with zero to no warning.

So, what are the navigation systems for life? And how do these 'clouds' affect our living spaces and vice versa?

Living in the Clouds

Over the last 12 months, I have been surrounded by thick clouds. It feels scary, unclear, and full of anxiety. Everything in me wanted to stop, multiple times. And I did at moments. But my navigation tools, some established in clearer life moments, helped guide me through at a much slower pace.

Like pilots, we need our own set of tools to navigate through life's challenges. Here are some of my essential life navigation systems that have proven to be invaluable:

  • My faith: I listen to praise and worship daily, knowing God hears my unspoken groans & audible prayers.

  • Self-care activities: I try to incorporate self-care with micro-actions to force myself to do something for myself every day.

  • Support circle: Ironically, the people in my life who know how it feels to be the one to support others, became my support system.

  • Therapy: Every month, conversations with my therapist help me to understand my thoughts and emotions.

  • Clarity in personal and business goals: This helped me keep moving in my purpose, even when the path was unclear.

  • Organizational Skills: Keeping my spaces organized while my life feels chaotic reduces stress and enhances my ability to manage.

Clouds in Your Life and Your Home

The state of your living spaces can affect your mental and emotional well-being. When your living space is cluttered and disorganized, it can feel like you're constantly navigating through clouds. Here’s how clouds in your life can affect your home, and vice versa:

  1. Mental Clutter: Just as physical clutter can overwhelm your space, mental clutter can overwhelm your mind. Decluttering your home can help clear your mind, making it easier to focus and make decisions.

  2. Stress and Anxiety: A disorganized space can cause feelings of stress and anxiety to feel even worse. Creating order, in the midst of, chaos can provide a sense of control and calm.

  3. Productivity: An organized home boosts productivity. When everything has a place and you can easily find what you need, you save time and reduce frustration.

  4. Creativity: A clutter-free space is a great atmosphere for creativity. It provides a blank canvas for new ideas and projects.

  5. Well-being: Your home should be a sanctuary. A well-organized space enhances overall well-being and joy.

Establishing an Organized Home

Here are some practical tips for organizing your home to navigate through life's clouds more effectively:

  1. Dream of the Possibilities: Take a moment to dream how you’d want your space to look and feel. This will motivate you to start the organizing process.

  2. Realign Your Space with Purpose: Identify the purpose of each room and use that to guide your decluttering & organizing efforts.

  3. Eliminate the Excess: Eliminate items that no longer serve you. This will create more space and reduce visual clutter.

  4. Assign a Place for Everything: The goal is that every item has a designated spot. This makes it easier to maintain an organized home.

  5. Match Your Decor Aesthetics with Organizing Products: Choose organizing products that blend with your decor. This creates a visually pleasing environment.

Just as pilots rely on navigation tools to safely travel through clouds, we need our own set of tools to manage life's challenges. An organized home is a crucial part of this toolbox. Tell me below in the comments if you have a toolbox & if you do…what’s in it?

  • Tanisha


When Life Goes On, and Yours Feels Unrecognizable

